Alternative Indigo // Know Your Style

Hello fellow Gentri Lee readers! My name is

Alexis Jade Kaiser

and I am an alternative fashion blogger here in Provo, Utah. I have mermaid hair and I love encouraging my readers to step outside their normal 'go to-s' when it comes to fashion. I think fashion is such an amazing, crazy thing. It's the one thing that truly represents a person based on first impressions. And lets be honest, first impressions are everything. I've only been a part of the 'blogging' scene since May of 2014 and its been a whirlwind of excitement and really discovering where I stand as an individual and a 'blogger.' 

I say 'blogger' simply because what do you think of when you think of a 'blogger......' Well, that's easy, Starbucks iced tea, peonies, Michael Korhs handbags, swirled Caramel Lattes, blah blah blah. I am here to represent a different side of the blogging world. Something that hasn't yet been approached or represented. I want to encourage a different movement in the fashion blogging world. And that's why I started

Alternative Indigo

Inspirations? Who are they? Easy. Melodi Meadows @babynative and Erin Wasson @erinwassson. These two women seriously have such an impact an influence on my everyday fashion. I also think they carry themselves with such a unique beautiful confidence that is so non-typical to our first thought of 'beautiful.' Aka 'airbrushed skin, perfect makeup, perfect hair, so on so forth.' I love that they represent what I view as a true, confident, beautiful women.  I think blogging is such a beautiful thing. To be able to inspire those of you who need a little help here and there, and to be there for those of you who maybe just need a friend. It's amazing the connections that Instagram, Facebook, and blogger can provide! 

I think that if I had to sum my style up into one phrase it would be; bohemian-gypsy-native mosh pit. I love trying new things and experimenting with different styles and looks all the time. I love to stick with super simple looks such as skinnies and a basic tee. But, the next day I will be wearing a floral dress with huge chunky jewelry and over the knee boots. I think personal fashion is all about what works for you and what is influencing you the moment you get dressed. I also think that having inspirations is good, and also a curse. Don't let not being the person that inspires you most weigh you down. Let them inspire you, don't feel obligated to be them. I think that's where fashion goes all wrong. We are all beautiful and all different in our own way, and that's what makes us individuals. 

Final words of advice, let fashion inspire you, not eat you alive. Be your own beautiful; put on something you never dared to before; put a crazy colored streak in your hair, I mean hell, dye you whole head a crazy color. Just be you, it's beautiful. I promise.

