Simple Silver

I don't know about where you live, but here, winter hasn't fully set in. Now, that doesn't mean it hasn't been cold, because it has. In fact, you can see the goosebumps on my arm in the photo below... But I am not one of those people who thinks that if it's going to be cold, it might as well snow. The snow makes everything more difficult, and I've never experienced an east coast winter, before. I'm afraid I'll be snowed in for the next two months, especially because I live so far from everything. So really, I can handle the cold, but the snow might be another story...

I don't know if it's the cooler temperatures or what, but lately I have really been drawn to silver metals. I know that gold is all the rage right now, but I think there is a lot to be said for silver. In fact, the more I learn about silver, the more beautiful it becomes. Apart from it's anti-bacterial properties, silver just has a fresh, clean look about it. Which is why I went with this silver face and black band watch from Daniel Wellington. It's design is so simple, but is made even more sleek by the silver and black combination. To say that I love it would be an understatement.

You can get your own

Daniel Wellington

watch for 15% off with the code "holiday_gentrileeblog"!





 (so amazing!)

watch- c/o

daniel wellington

15% off with the code "holiday_gentrileeblog"

rings- old







What is your favorite metal to wear? Do you stick to gold or do you branch out?