Exploring Dead Horse Point Pt. 4

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Our second day in Moab, Utah was spent exploring

Dead Horse Point State Park

and Canyonlands National Park. Dead Horse Point offers a spectacular view with a curious name to accompany it. When I was young, my dad would tell me how it was named after the wild horses who were corralled along the edge of the cliffs by cowboys in the late 1800's; some horses would jump or fall over the cliff's edge to their death during the process. Whether on purpose or out of fear - it's a tragic story for such a beautiful place.

My friends and I had a great time wandering around Dead Horse Point, for as long as we possibly could. We took our time scoping out each view point and also took a lot of photos for

Color by Amber

- an eco friendly jewelry company. It was the perfect way to show off their eco resin and stunning interlayers that are made by Artisans, worldwide.

If you're heading to Moab, Utah anytime soon, be sure to check out Dead Horse Point. And if you're in the market for some fabulous jewelry that is all about doing good and giving back, then be sure to shop

Color by Amber

