How I'm Getting a Better Night's Rest in 2019 with Celestial Seasonings

This post is sponsored by Celestial Seasonings but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

Now that I am home from Australia, I have begun working towards my 2019 health and wellness goals! While most of them have come fairly easily, as I have been excited and ready to make those changes, there’s one that I am still struggling with… Bedtime.

Now, I’m going to blame my struggle, over the last week, on jet lag, as Australia is currently an 18 hour difference to Salt Lake City. But honestly… I have always been a bit of a night owl, making an earlier bedtime a challenge. However, I recently implemented the Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime Extra into my nighttime routine, and I swear it is making such a difference!

Celestial Teas has a large assortment of flavors, are less expensive than their competitors, and are an excellent and healthier alternative to sugary drinks! One of my favorite aspects of Celestial Teas is their dedication to sustainability! Their tea bags do not have a string and their cardboard boxes are easy to recycle!

The teas I’ve been reaching for, lately, are their Sleepytime Teas which are the perfect way to prep for bedtime! My favorite is their Sleepytime Extra, which promotes relaxation. But I also love their Sleepytime Detox (which promotes natural cleansing while you sleep), and their Sleepytime Sinus Soother (which promotes respiratory comfort—perfect for cold and flu season!) All three of these teas are free from caffeine, gluten, and artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives!

My nightly tea-time is just one step I’ve taken towards hitting the sack earlier. Here are some other things on my goal-list, to help me get a full night’s rest…

What are some of your goals for 2019? Do they look anything like mine? If so, be sure to add the Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime Teas into your routine! They’re sure to help you sleep better than ever!

Gentri Trinnaman2 Comments