Natural Ways To Make Your Home Smell Amazing For Autumn

Of all our senses, scent is the one that holds the most memory. A simple smell can transport us to another time and place. It can remind us of holidays and gatherings, fresh baked cookies and an autumn breeze. So as I build my home, I am constantly doing what I can to fill it with beautiful aromas that bring comfort and a sense of belonging. 

I strive to use natural methods and products wherever I can, which means I don’t like to purchase air fresheners or scented candles. Here are some things I do instead...

Pumpkin Bread Recipe can be found HERE!

Recipe for Autumn Simmer Pot:

  • 2 sliced apples

  • 1 sliced orange

  • 3 cinnamon sticks

  • 1/4 cup whole cloves

  • 1 tbsp pumpkin pie spice

Directions: Fill a large pot with water and add your ingredients. Bring water to a boil then turn down to simmer. Allow to simmer as long as you like, but make sure there is always water in the pot! (It is dangerous to let the pot sit on the stove with no water in it) Simply refill the water as needed and reuse your simmer pot for up to a week.

Thank you, so much, for watching today’s video. I hope it inspires you to skip the chemicals and synthetic home fragrances and instead fill your space with your favorite autumn scents in a more natural and environmentally conscious way!

Important Note: Now that we have our cat Wicker, I've learned that pretty much all essential oils are very unsafe to use around cats. I've read that a diffuser makes it safer, but only if it can be kept away from where your cat can get to it. (In our home, that isn't possible) From "In their concentrated form (100%), essential oils can absolutely be a danger for pets," including when the oil is placed on their skin, fur or paws. However, there are precautions you can take if you wish to use essential oils in the home. Using diffusers instead of concentrates is one way to help avoid toxicity. recommended using a diffuser in an open space and keeping kitty away from it and its cords (note that diffused oil droplets can land on your kitty's fur, which they will ingest when grooming). Cats are great at getting onto high surfaces and into small spaces, so you can never be too careful when storing essential oils.