Hardware Ranch, Utah

Almost every night, this Winter, as I’ve laid in bed, I have heard the small cry of a baby elk, somewhere outside my window. I’ve tried to go outside, and see if I could catch a glimpse or figure out where the baby might be. But as soon as I would step outside, the cry would cease. So, instead of wandering around my neighborhood in the snow and dark, I decided it was time to visit Hardware Ranch.

Hardware Ranch is located deep within the Utah mountains. The elk that live there are wild, and the purpose of the ranch is to protect them. They’re fed throughout the Winter, so they don’t have a need to wander to lower elevations (where they or someone else could be hurt), and during the warmer months, they head back into higher elevations, as they naturally would.

After purchasing our tickets, we waited for our turn to board the horse drawn wagon. The benches are comfortable, and the ride gives its guests ample time to snap photos of the elk and ask questions. During our tour, we learned that the herd’s latest count was around 650, and that its the females who are in charge, while the males generally stick together.

Overall the experience was a fun, Winter activity that I’d definitely recommend! Especially for families. After our tour, we spent some time with the horses who had pulled our wagon—Poncho and Lefty, then drove back down the canyon, and into town for some lunch.

Check out my January vlog to see more from my trip to Hardware Ranch!