Growing Your Connection to the Outdoors

Growing up in Utah meant growing up outdoors. My parents took my sisters and I camping, as often as they could. I spent every available minute, as a child, climbing trees and building forts in the ravine across the street. As I got older, the outdoors became my therapy. It became my escape from the stresses of life and a way for me to reconnect and feel alive, again.

Perhaps it’s because of my upbringing that I care so deeply about our planet, or perhaps it’s something bigger. I truly believe that we, as humans, have a divine stewardship to care for and preserve our home. Whether you believe in climate change, or not, you cannot deny the shrinking resources and messes that we, as humans, have created.

But of course, all is not lost. There are countless ways to make a difference and reduce our impact, these days. From saying no to straws and single use plastic to planting a garden to help the bees. We’re lucky enough to live in a world that is filled with such breathtaking and astonishingly beautiful places, we should also feel lucky that we get to take care of it.

I know that not everyone feels the same way I do, or maybe wants to, but just hasn’t had the opportunity. So I’m going to share a few of my ideas on how you can increase your connection to the outdoors! These are simple tips, that should be easy enough for anyone to implement!

Of course, there are many other ways to feel connected to our earthly home. You can check out some of my other conscious living ideas, by clicking the images, below!